Steve Holotuk
Investigator (PI, CIP, CFE)
As a Certified Fraud Examiner, a Chartered Insurance Professional, and a Licensed Private Investigator, Steve Holotuk brings a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience. He has conducted investigations to locate; interview and statematize witnesses on behalf of CPA International Investigations Inc.
He has conducted numerous investigations under the Trade-marks Act, the Competition Act and the Criminal Code, into the piracy and selling of counterfeit Intellectual Property with McLamb Consulting. This includes the serving of Cease and Desist Orders and the recovery of the counterfeit goods voluntarily surrendered by the businesses.
Over the course of his profession, he has investigated and adjusted fidelity and surety bond claims with major firms since 1983. The investigation is conducted to determine if the reported loss falls within the Terms and Conditions of the Bond, quantify the quantum of the loss locate and identify any assets of the defaulter or indemnity agreement. Such investigations included reviewing numerous documents and conducting interviews of upper management from private and public sectors as well as their employees and defaulters. The investigations were conducted to ensure that the evidence obtained during investigations could be presented in both Civil and Criminal Courts. He has interviewed individuals to determine bondability under the Fidelity Insurance Policy. These interviews centered on the conduct of the individual during the course of their employment. He brings extensive experience in the investigation and breeches of Canadian law and more specifically the collections of evidence and court procedures.
As a retired RCMP officer in good standing having served the Force for over 26 years and retiring at the rank of Staff Sergeant, Steve was responsible for the commercial crime and fraud investigations unit investigating criminal offences on Vancouver Island. While an RCMP officer, he held top security clearance levels.
A consummate professional, Steve Holotuk brings a strong working knowledge of software programs, is deadline driven and accustomed to working independently to ensure successful outcomes for his clients.
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