As in any cash business, there is always the temptation for employees to help themselves.

Integrity Investigations revolve around employees and their position of trust and reliability. This is any place where people are entrusted with something of value or anywhere that an employee can incur personal gain by stealing from an employer.  CPA International Investigations has the proven experience in successfully investigating immoral and dishonest behavior in various industries, including hospitality, distribution centers, airports, warehouses, retail stores and much more…

Some of the many benefits that the client can expect from CPA’s Integrity Investigations include reducing and recovering losses due to theft, improving morale within the workplace and increasing profits. Integrity investigations can also provide quick resolutions and future preventions as well as cost effective solutions for the employer.

Some of the methods used by CPA Private Investigators in conducting Integrity investigations include surveillance, undercover investigations, interviews, and documented, detailed notes.  CPA Private Investigators will obtain the evidence required to release employees, provide the facts when seeking prosecution, and support litigation to recover any losses.

Employees are expected to have loyalty and commitment to their employer and are entrusted with confidential information, financial details, products and money. A well planned, professional investigation performed by CPA Private Investigators, can be the most effective method of investigating, detecting and ultimately eliminating internal theft.